Dwayne Johnson and Michael Jordan Among Hundreds of Defendants in $3 Billion Kidnapping Lawsuit

Publish date: 2024-05-18

A former professional wrestler and her two children have filed a lawsuit against hundreds of celebrities, corporations, and government agencies, accusing them of conspiring to kidnap them and interfere with their legal rights. The lawsuit, which seeks $3 billion in damages, names Dwayne Johnson, Michael Jordan, Eminem, Naomi Campbell, and many others as defendants.

The Background of the Case

The plaintiff in the case is Trenesha Biggers, also known as Rhaka Khan, who wrestled for Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (TNA) and World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) in the past. She claims that she and her children have been victims of harassment, stalking, intimidation, and threats by the defendants since 2009. She also alleges that the defendants have used their influence and power to manipulate the legal system and prevent her from obtaining justice.

According to Snopes, Biggers has been involved in several criminal cases in Texas, where she was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, burglary of a habitation, and injury to a child. She claims that these charges were fabricated by the defendants to discredit her and silence her. She also claims that she has evidence of corruption and misconduct by the defendants, which she intends to expose in court.

The Allegations Against the Defendants

The lawsuit lists a staggering number of defendants, spanning 23 pages of the court document. Some of the notable names include:

The lawsuit accuses the defendants of various crimes and violations, such as:

The Status of the Lawsuit

The lawsuit was filed on October 8th 2022 in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York. The court granted Biggers In Forma Pauperis (IFP) status on March 1st 2023. This means that she does not have to pay the filing fee because she cannot afford it. However, this does not mean that the court has accepted or endorsed her claims.

The court has not yet issued any orders or judgments on the merits of the case. It is possible that the court will dismiss the case for lack of jurisdiction or failure to state a claim. It is also possible that some or all of the defendants will file motions to dismiss or motions for summary judgment. Alternatively, the court may order discovery or schedule a trial.

As of now, there is no indication that any of the defendants have been served with the lawsuit or have responded to it. It is unclear how Biggers plans to serve such a large number of defendants across different states and countries. It is also unclear how she plans to prove her allegations or what evidence she has to support them.

The Implications of the Lawsuit

The lawsuit is one of the most bizarre and ambitious legal actions ever taken by an individual against such a diverse and powerful group of defendants. It raises many questions about Biggers’ motives and mental state. It also poses challenges for the court system and the legal profession.

The lawsuit could have serious consequences for Biggers’ reputation and credibility. It could also expose her to counterclaims or sanctions by some of the defendants. On the other hand, the lawsuit could also draw attention to Biggers’ plight and generate public sympathy or support for her. It could also reveal some wrongdoing or corruption by some of the defendants.

The lawsuit could also have an impact on the defendants’ careers and businesses. It could damage their image and reputation in the eyes of the public and their fans. It could also distract them from their work and projects. However, the lawsuit could also have no effect on the defendants’ lives and activities. It could be dismissed or ignored by them and the media.

The lawsuit could also affect the court system and the legal profession. It could create a burden and a backlog for the court and the judges. It could also raise ethical and professional issues for the lawyers who represent or advise Biggers or the defendants. However, the lawsuit could also provide an opportunity for the court and the lawyers to demonstrate their competence and integrity. It could also serve as a case study or a teaching tool for legal education and research.

The lawsuit is a remarkable and unprecedented legal phenomenon that has captured the curiosity and imagination of many people. It is a complex and controversial case that involves many factual and legal issues. It is a case that will likely take a long time to resolve and will likely generate a lot of debate and discussion. It is a case that will be remembered as one of the most extraordinary lawsuits in history.
