Everything About Pablo Escobar's Son

Publish date: 2024-05-13

Sebastian Marroquin is a name that echoes a notorious past but stands for a dramatically different present. Born on February 24, 1977, in Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia, Marroquín is known today for his work as an architect, an author, and his passionate advocacy for reconciliation.

His life journey paints an intriguing picture of transformation and determination, of a man escaping the long shadow of his infamous family legacy.

Yet, the name Sebastian Marroquin draws attention for a different reason: it’s the adopted name of Juan Pablo Escobar Henao, the son of one of the most infamous figures in the annals of crime – Pablo Escobar.

Known as the ‘King of Cocaine’, Pablo Escobar was the founder of the Medellín Cartel and, at one point, was considered the wealthiest criminal in history.

The infamy of Pablo Escobar’s drug empire continues to be a significant part of the cultural and social fabric, both in Colombia and globally. The association of Sebastián Marroquín with this legacy is inevitable, adding layers of complexity to his life’s narrative.

Early Life of Sebastian Marroquin

Born as Juan Pablo Escobar Henao, Sebastián Marroquín’s early life was steeped in an environment quite unlike that of any regular child.

His upbringing took place in Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia, a city infamous for its drug-related activities largely orchestrated by his father, Pablo Escobar.

Growing up as the son of the wealthiest criminal in history came with unprecedented luxuries. He experienced an opulent lifestyle where money was never a barrier, and extravagance was the norm.

He has spoken about these surreal experiences, including his father burning two million dollars to keep him warm when they were hiding in the mountains of Colombia.

Despite the peculiarity of their circumstances, Marroquín had a family, just like any other child.

His mother, Maria Victoria Henao, played a significant role in his life, providing him with love, care, and emotional support. He also had a sister, Manuela, with whom he shared a sibling bond amidst their turbulent surroundings.

The impact of Pablo Escobar’s criminal activities on Marroquín’s childhood was profound. Living under the constant shadow of law enforcement agencies and rival cartels left an indelible mark on his psyche.

Yet, it was the dichotomy of his father’s character—loving and caring at home, ruthless and terrorising outside—that added to the complexity of his experiences.

He saw a father who was loved by the poor for his generosity but was also the most feared man in Colombia, known for his violent methods and disregard for human life.

These contrasting images of his father shaped his understanding of morality, law, and justice in his formative years.

Life of Sebastian Marroquin Post Pablo Escobar’s Death

In the aftermath of Pablo Escobar’s death in 1993, the remnants of the Escobar family found themselves in peril.

With enemies around every corner and authorities tracking them, life became a dangerous balancing act.

To escape this, Marroquín, along with his mother and sister, fled to Mozambique, a move motivated by their need for safety. They didn’t stay long though, moving again, this time to Argentina.

Setting up a new life in Argentina was no easy task. They arrived as exiles, living under assumed identities to protect themselves from the long shadow of Pablo Escobar’s legacy.

Their former opulence was a distant memory now, replaced with a life filled with struggles and the need to stay invisible.

The once-luxurious existence was swapped with a fear of recognition, and they lived like ordinary citizens to avoid any unwanted attention.

However, their past was not easy to shake off. In 1999, Marroquín’s mother, Maria Victoria Henao, was arrested on charges of money laundering.

The arrest was a blow to the family, reeling under the loss of their patriarch and grappling with their new life.

She spent 18 months in jail before she was released due to insufficient evidence, a period that Marroquín describes as one of the most challenging times for the family.

A crucial part of leaving their past behind was the change of their names. Juan Pablo Escobar Henao took on a new identity as Sebastián Marroquín.

The name was chosen randomly from a telephone book, a simple decision with a profound purpose: to distance himself from the notorious Escobar surname.

This new identity was more than just a name; it was Marroquín’s way of crafting a life separate from his father’s legacy, marking his journey towards a more peaceful existence.

Education and Career

Once settled in Argentina, Marroquín sought to focus on his education as a way to pave a new path for himself. He attended a private school in the country, where he kept his past under wraps and concentrated on his studies.

His keen interest in design led him to earn degrees in industrial design and architecture. These qualifications became the foundation for his future career and a crucial step in building a life distinct from his father’s.

As an adult, Marroquín utilized his education to carve out a successful career as an architect in Buenos Aires, the city that had become his home.

His work became a testament to his dedication and determination to shape a life of his own, untainted by his father’s criminal history.

In an industry that prizes creativity and innovation, Marroquín found a platform to express his ideas and skills, proving that he was much more than just the son of a notorious drug lord.

Despite his conscious effort to distance himself from his father’s legacy, Marroquín’s ties to his homeland remained.

He made occasional visits back to Colombia, primarily to pay respects at his father’s graveside.

These visits, although infrequent, were symbolic gestures of his complex relationship with his past, highlighting the undeniable connection he still maintained with his father and his Colombian roots.

Role as an Author and Documentarian

Beyond his architectural ventures, Sebastian Marroquin established himself as an accomplished author. His first significant literary endeavour came in 2014 with the publication of “Pablo Escobar: My Father.”

The international bestseller presented an unprecedented insider’s look at the life and times of Pablo Escobar, told through the unique lens of his son.

The book was not a glorification of his father but rather an intimate portrayal of his father’s life, full of insights and personal anecdotes that shed light on the man behind the notorious drug lord.

Prior to his success as an author, Marroquín had ventured into the world of documentary filmmaking. In 2009, he released “Sins of My Father,” a film that took more than five years to create.

The documentary was meant to promote reconciliation and end hatred stirred by his father’s deeds. It presented a son’s introspection of his father’s actions and their repercussions on both the family and the country, further reinforcing his commitment to break away from the destructive legacy of his father.

Continuing his journey as an author, Marroquín published his second book in 2016, “Pablo Escobar in Fraganti: The Stories that My Father Never Told Me.”

The book serves as a deeper exploration into his father’s life and deeds, revealing the stories that had previously been untold. It further emphasised his attempt to comprehend and present a truthful depiction of his father’s life and legacy.

Through these endeavours, Marroquín worked to ensure that the world understood the real Pablo Escobar – the man, the father, and the criminal – without sensationalism or myth-making.

Speeches and Public Appearances of Sebastian Marroquin

Over the years, Marroquín has made numerous public appearances where he’s shared his insights and experiences.

His speeches often touch upon poignant themes of reconciliation and forgiveness, his father’s crimes, and the history of narcoterrorism.

His unique perspective, born out of his personal connection to the notorious ‘King of Cocaine’, offers a rare insight into these areas, capturing the attention of audiences worldwide.

By openly discussing the grim realities of his father’s legacy, Marroquín plays a crucial role in educating people about the devastating consequences of drug trafficking and organized crime.

Marroquín’s motivation for promoting a message of reconciliation and ending hatred stems from his personal journey of coming to terms with his father’s infamous legacy.

As the son of Pablo Escobar, he has lived with the pain and stigma associated with his father’s actions, which fuels his desire to foster understanding and forgiveness.

Through his speeches and public appearances, he advocates for peace and reconciliation, not just for himself and his family, but for a nation still healing from the wounds inflicted by his father’s criminal empire.

His mission is not to justify or glorify his father’s actions but to promote learning from the past to ensure a more peaceful future.

Personal Life of Sebastian Marroquin

Sebastián Marroquín’s personal life has been shaped greatly by his early experiences and his decision to make a new start after his father’s death.

In the midst of the tumultuous environment he was born into, Sebastián found a companion in Maria Angeles Sarmiento.

They met each other in 1990 when he was just 13 years old and she was 18. Amidst the drama and danger that surrounded their lives, the pair found solace in each other’s company.

They shared an unconditional love that persisted through the most difficult of times. Their relationship eventually culminated in marriage in 2003, a testament to their bond that withstood the test of time and circumstances.

Sebastián and Maria Angeles decided to make Buenos Aires, Argentina their home. They settled in the neighborhood of Palermo Soho, known for its vibrant art scene and bustling nightlife.

In spite of their past, they’ve managed to carve out a relatively normal life in Buenos Aires.

Sebastián pursued his career as an architect and writer, while they both did their best to provide a stable home environment away from the memories of their past.

The couple welcomed a son, whom they named Juan Emilio Escobar. As parents, they strived to provide him a life devoid of the chaos and violence that marked Sebastián’s own childhood.

The name ‘Juan Emilio Escobar’ is a testament to the past, yet it represents a future where the sins of the father need not dictate the life of the son.

Juan Emilio’s upbringing has been markedly different from Sebastián’s own, marked by peace and normalcy rather than conflict and upheaval.

Financial Status

Sebastian Marroquin’s financial status is far from ordinary, given his extraordinary background. As a successful architect and author, he has amassed a significant fortune over the years.

Various online sources estimate his net worth to be between $40 million and $120 million. This wealth primarily comes from his architectural endeavours, book sales, and earnings from his documentary films.

While his father, Pablo Escobar, was known as one of the wealthiest criminals in history, Marroquín has made a conscious decision to distance himself from his father’s ill-gotten wealth.

This choice reflects his commitment to living a life starkly different from his father’s and avoiding any direct benefits from the narcotic trade that built the Escobar empire.

He has chosen instead to carve out his own path and generate his own income, demonstrating his determination to disassociate himself from the illegal activities of his father.

Although Marroquín has distanced himself from his father’s criminal past, the family continues to earn income from the rights to Pablo Escobar’s name and likeness.

These rights have been leveraged to create merchandise, such as clothing, which are sold to the public.

However, it is worth noting that this income is a result of the public’s fascination with Pablo Escobar, rather than any active participation or endorsement of Escobar’s criminal activities by Sebastian Marroquin.

His primary focus remains on his own career and his efforts to foster understanding of his father’s history through his writings and public speaking.


Sebastián Marroquín’s life is a remarkable journey of transformation. From a childhood laden with the riches and dangers of being the son of the infamous Pablo Escobar, to adopting a new identity and building a respectable career in architecture and writing, Marroquín has navigated a complex path.

He has consciously stepped away from his father’s criminal shadow, choosing instead to engage with society through his own merits, talents, and principles.

Today, Marroquín stands as a figure of reconciliation and peace, advocating for an end to hatred and resentment.

This is a stark contrast to his father’s legacy of narcoterrorism and violence. Through his books, documentaries, and speeches, he promotes understanding of his father’s life, crimes, and their repercussions, while fostering conversations about forgiveness and healing.

As we reflect on Sebastián Marroquín’s life and work, it becomes apparent that he has undergone a significant transformation.

He has moved from being primarily known as Pablo Escobar’s son to carving out his own unique identity.

His life and efforts serve as a powerful example of how individuals can choose their paths, breaking free from familial legacies, and promoting change and reconciliation, even amidst the most challenging circumstances.

His journey is a testament to personal resilience, the capacity for change, and the power of taking responsibility for one’s own narrative.

FAQs on Sebastian Marroquin

1. Who is Sebastian Marroquin?

Sebastián Marroquín is the son of infamous Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar. He was born as Juan Pablo Escobar Henao and later changed his name. Marroquín is a Colombian architect, author, and public speaker.

2. Why did Sebastián Marroquín change his name?

After the death of his father, Pablo Escobar, Marroquín and his family were forced to flee Colombia. To avoid the notoriety associated with the Escobar name and to start anew, he chose Sebastián Marroquín from a phone book.

3. What books has Sebastián Marroquín written about his father?

Marroquín has written two books about his father – “Pablo Escobar: My Father” and “Pablo Escobar In Fraganti: The Stories that My Father Never Told Me”. Both books provide a unique, personal perspective on Pablo Escobar.

4. What does Sebastián Marroquín do for a living?

Marroquín is a trained architect and author. He has also created a documentary about his father, “Sins of My Father”, and frequently gives speeches discussing his father’s history and the impact of narcoterrorism.

5. What is Sebastián Marroquín’s net worth?

Estimates suggest Marroquín’s net worth lies between $40 million and $120 million. His income sources include his work as an architect, book sales, and earnings from the rights to his father’s name and likeness.


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