Melissa Highsmith Kidnapped In Fort Worth, Where Was She Found? Case Details

Publish date: 2024-06-06

After fifty years, Melissa Highsmith Kidnapped case was finally solved, and she was reunited with her family. It was a joyous moment for Melissa and her family after being separated for a long time.

In recent years, Melissa Highsmith has been in the news because she was reunited with her birth family more than 50 years after. She was taken by a woman pretending to be a babysitter.

She was just 22 months old when she was taken from her Fort Worth, Texas home in August 1971.

The woman who abducted her went by the name Ruth Johnson and promised to watch Melissa for the day but never returned her to her parents.

For over 50 years, Melissa lived in Fort Worth, unaware of her true identity and the circumstances of her abduction.

Everyone had been looking forward to the emotional meeting for a long time, and it ended a decades-long search for answers.

Melissa Highsmith Kidnapped In Fort Worth

In August 1971, Melissa was only 22 months old when she was reportedly taken from her Fort Worth, Texas home.

Her mother, who had separated from her partner, moved to Fort Worth as a single mother. She had placed an advertisement in the local newspaper for a babysitter to help care for her young daughter because she had begun working as a waitress. The babysitter who answered the ad identified herself as Ruth Johnson.

On the day of Melissa’s disappearance, Ruth Johnson picked up the 21-month-old toddler from the care of her mother’s roommate while Melissa’s mother was at work.

According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), the woman who came to get the child seemed “nice” and “dressed to impress.” She was wearing white gloves, sunglasses, and a bonnet on her head.

However, Johnson never returned with Melissa, and she could not be reached by phone.

Melissa’s mother immediately contacted the authorities when her daughter was not returned. However, despite extensive searches and investigations, few leads or evidence surfaced in the case.

She has been searching for her daughter ever since, hoping she will one day be found.

The story of Highsmith’s alleged kidnapping shows how dangerous it can be to leave kids with strangers, even if they seem to be trusted.

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Melissa Highsmith Where Was She Found?

In November 2022, Melissa Highsmith, kidnapped from her family in Texas in 1971, was finally reunited with them. This was a delightful event that made news all over the country.

The identity of, Melissa was officially confirmed by the Police, ending decades of uncertainty and suffering for her family.

In September 2022, an unnamed source told the NCMEC about a possible sighting in Charleston, South Carolina.

The person who gave a tip said they recognized the woman from the digitally aged faces of NCMEC’s open cases.

In October, the Highsmith family went from Texas to Charleston, South Carolina, to talk to people there about the case and raise notice. However, the tip turned out to be nothing.

But Highsmith’s Father, Jeffrie, conducted a 23andMe DNA test, which linked him to Melissa’s children.

Jeffrie and Apantenco’s other children could find her Facebook page with just a few clicks on the internet. They then called out to the 23AndMe connection and convinced her to meet.

The reunion was emotional, with Jeffrie telling CBS News, “I started crying … after 51 years, it’s so emotional.”

Melissa Highsmith Case Details

Highsmith’s case is a remarkable story of resilience, hope, and reunion. The incident occurred over five decades ago when Melissa was kidnapped from her parents’ Fort Worth home.

However, her family never lost hope in finding her, and more than 50 years later, they finally succeeded.

Melissa was raised with the name Melanie and was unaware of her family’s search for her.

She didn’t know she was missing until a friend contacted her on Facebook to tell her. Despite initial suspicion that the message was a scam, Melissa learned the truth and finally reunited with her family on November 26, 2022.

The reunion was emotional as Melissa met her mother, Father, and two of her four siblings during a celebration at their church in Fort Worth.

While the reunion was a moment of joy and relief for Melissa and her family, the sense of injustice remains.

The statute of limitations for potential criminal charges related to Melissa’s kidnapping has expired, meaning the person responsible will never be brought to justice.

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