ModernWarfare 3: What is a multikill How to Get Multi Kills

Publish date: 2024-06-09

In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3), getting multi kills means taking down two or more enemies in a row. It’s not just about doubles or triples; the game celebrates big moments with a shout-out for a “Multikill” when you eliminate five foes super fast. Even bagging a double kill helps you complete challenges and push forward in the game.

Strategies to Amp Up Your Multi Kills:

Choose Intense Modes and Maps:

In MW3, diving into Hardcore modes or maps like Rustment 24/7 or Shipment boosts your chances. These settings are wild and full of quick fights, giving you more shots at bagging multi kills by bumping into multiple enemies rapidly.

Pick Your Weapons Wisely:

Select firearms with high firing rates or ideal for close-range combat. Weapons like the Pulemyot 762 or shotguns such as the Riveter with Incendiary Shells shine in chaotic spaces or smaller maps. These weapons ramp up your abilities for successful multi kills.

Practice Makes Perfect:

Regular practice is the key to mastering different weapons and tactics. Experiment with loadouts and playstyles to find what suits you best. The more you practice, the better you understand the game’s mechanics, boosting your chances of nailing those multi kills.

Map Layouts and Spawn Points Matter:

Knowing the map layouts and spawn points is vital for taking down multiple opponents. Understanding where enemies might spawn helps you plan smart moves and catch them off guard. Spend time studying maps to maximize your chances of scoring multi kills.

Enhancing Gameplay for Multi Kills:

Play Smart, Not Just Fast:
Rather than rushing blindly, play strategically. Use cover wisely, explore alternate routes, and stay alert to your surroundings. Smart playing increases your odds of securing those sought-after multi kills while keeping you alive longer.

Know Your Weapons Inside Out:

Each weapon in MW3 has its strengths and weaknesses. Understanding your weapon’s traits like range, firing rate, and damage output empowers you to make informed decisions, upping your chances of bagging those multi kills.

Mastering multi kills in MW3 is about practice, strategy, and a deep understanding of the game. By following these strategies and tips, you can consistently secure multi kills. Focus on choosing the right modes and maps, using suitable weapons, regular practice, and understanding spawn points and maps.


Q1: Which other game modes are good for multi kills?
A1: Modes like Team Deathmatch and Kill Confirmed are also favorable for scoring multi kills.

Q2: Can sniper rifles get multi kills?
A2: It’s possible but harder; it requires precision and quick follow-up shots.

Q3: Do specific killstreaks help get multi kills?
A3: Killstreaks like AC-130 or Pavelow provide excellent chances for multi kills by targeting multiple enemies.
