Photoshopped image of Jason Momoa without a beard sparks memefest online

Publish date: 2024-05-29

An image of Jason Momoa without his iconic beard has been making the rounds online, sparking a series of viral reactions and comments.

The Game of Thrones actor's beard is quite popular among fans, which is why they were left confused when "Jason Momoa without beard" began trending on Twitter.

The viral tweet showed two images placed side-by-side, comparing the actor's looks with and without his thick beard and mustache. It is to be noted that Momoa did not shave his beard, and it is a photoshopped image of the actor that is circulating.

Internet users have taken to the microblogging platform to express their disbelief. One user, Allison, @ekbabyxxx, commented:

"That man looks glorious with or without a beard": Jason Momoa's photoshopped image leaves fans divided

Internet users were confused after looking at Jason Momoa's edited picture. Many immediately reacted by sending some hilarious tweets to express their shock at how unrecognizable the actor looked.

Some even compared him to Kirstie Alley and Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Here's what a few netizens commented:

Momoa's fans immediately came to the actor's defense after many trolls made fun of the actor's beardless look. Many were quick to point out the image was doctored, commenting with photos of his actual shaven look.

About Jason Momoa, in brief

Joseph Jason Namakaeha Momoa is an American actor known for his roles as Aquaman in DCEU and Khal Drogo in Game of Thrones. He was born in Hawaii and is frequently known to promote and protect Hawaiian culture.

While the actor hasn't really gone sans beard and mustache this time around, in 2019, he shaved to raise awareness of the plastics that are "killing the planet," urging everyone to recycle.

This aligned with his look for the role of Duncan Idaho in the 2021 film Dune. His look created quite a stir back then (psst. he looks nothing like the photoshopped image). Here's Jason Momoa announcing this on his Instagram, @prideofgypsies, with the quote:

"Goodbye DROGO, AQUAMAN, DECLAN, BABA... I’m SHAVING this beast off, It’s time to make a change. A change for the better...for my kids, your kids, the world."

He recently caused quite a stir when he appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live on Wednesday, November 9, 2022, where he was promoting his Netflix film, Slumberland.

Momoa arrived at the show dressed up as his character but went almost bare, showing off his traditional Hawaiian malo when the host alluded to the actor's Instagram post where he was seen wearing the same.

Needless to say, Jason Momoa's appearance on the show went viral. Internet users immediately reacted, calling the actor "hot" and "beautiful." Some even wondered why he was not making it to any of the "sexiest men alive" lists.

His film, Slumberland, is a fantasy adventure film directed by Francis Lawrence which released on November 11, 2022. It follows a girl who teams up with an outlaw (Momoa) as she looks for her father in the dream world of Slumberland. The film stars Marlow Barkley and Chris O'Dowd along with Jason Momoa.

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