Stuart and Pamela: Is the Jewish Matchmaking Duo Still Together?

Publish date: 2024-05-29

As a Netflix original delving deep into the intriguing concept of shidduch — arranged dating for the purpose of marriage — ‘Jewish Matchmaking‘ truly lives up to its title in every way imaginable. That’s because it follows globally renowned Jewish relationship guru Aleeza Ben Shalom as she strives to find near-perfect life partners for hopeful singles across the United States and Israel. Amongst them was actually Stuart Chaseman; so now, if you simply wish to learn more about him as well as his current standing with date Pamela Rae Schuller, we have got the details for you.

Stuart and Pamela’s Jewish Matchmaking Journey

While there’s no denying 51-year-old wisecracking Stuart has always been rather unlucky when it comes to liaisons, he never really shies away from an opportunity to meet a potential partner. After all, he wants the stability, support, love, care, and comfort that come with being in a romantic involvement, especially as he’d witnessed the pure joy it exudes firsthand in his late parents. They admittedly set the “bar too high” for this Illinois native, but he made it clear to Aleeza he is open-minded as long as his matches are too — he won’t stand for social/political conservatives.

Coming to Stuart’s criteria regarding his likely soulmate’s heritage and faith level, he wants them to match his “culturally Jewish” stance as well as lifestyle rather than being a devout observant. “I’ve learned the hard way that a Jewish [yet not very religious] girl is a better fit for me,” he said in the series before quipping, “I don’t have to explain to her why ‘Curb Your Enthusiasm’ is funny.” Plus, we should mention because he’d unsuccessfully been active in the dating world for nearly three decades, he absolutely didn’t mind getting a mini-makeover prior to meeting new women.

Aleeza then set Stuart up with youth program professional Hope, just for him to quickly realize they wouldn’t work out since they were on drastically different paths in terms of their spirituality. Thus came comedian/actress Pamela Schuller into the picture, and the sparks between this duo as they met up for a surprisingly intimate date in an empty pub were evident from the get-go. It hence comes as no surprise they were soon comfortable enough to bond over not only their lack of coordination but also their take on public vulnerability, sense of humor, and expectations.

Stuart and Pamela Are Likely Not Dating

“I definitely felt some sort of connection,” Stuart candidly expressed in a confessional following his first date with Pamela, even though he’d learned there was a 15-year age gap between them. “I think we understood each other. I think we had a lot in common. [She’s] really down to Earth. Easy to talk to. She’s heads and tails above some of the girls I’ve dated. I can’t say this about many people, but it’d be great if she’s the one. I would definitely look forward to seeing her again.” Plus, even she stated, “I haven’t laughed this much on a date in a while. I thought he was put together and fun. I could tell he was artsy-weird and cute… I enjoyed the date.”

Yet unfortunately, from what we can tell through their respective social media platforms, it doesn’t appear as if Stuart and Pamela were able to make their connection work in the long run. We actually claim this rather confidently because the duo had become Facebook friends by the end of their first date, but as of writing, they don’t follow one another on Instagram or seem to have any way of keeping in touch.

Instead, it looks like both Stuart and Pamela are just primarily focusing on their careers at the moment, all the while continuing their quest for true love and companionship away from the limelight. The former actually still resides in Chicago, Illinois, where he serves as the President of Scholastic School Supplies as well as a singer-songwriter — his most recent album ‘Secrets, Lies, and Alibis’ will drop on May 19, 2023. As for the latter, she’s a New York-based comedian, dog lover, public speaker, and disability advocate who doesn’t let her small stature or her Tourettes limit her to anything.
